Dear Friends of The Eric Fund:
Two decades ago, The Eric Fund was launched to honor a young man who dedicated the last years of his short life to helping people with disabilities. Today, The Eric Fund is stronger than ever thanks to you, the fund’s generous supporters. With this year’s recipients, you will have assisted 88 people with $191,000 worth of assistive equipment in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area.
This year we are providing two power wheelchairs, special face recognition glasses, an adaptive iPad with special apps and a voice device. We are also replacing a broken iPad for a previous recipient.
Our mission continues to be to level the playing field for people with disabilities, providing equipment that will provide opportunity for greater independence in their daily lives. The Eric Fund steps in to help when applicants have exhausted every other means to obtain these essential devices, whether through insurance, their workplace, school or family resources. And we see the impact of these awards reach beyond the applicants, to their families, fellow students, friends, teachers and workplace colleagues.