Austin Ruby

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Three-year-old Austin Ruby will be ramping up to get around in his community with a wheelchair ramp provided to him by The Eric Fund. 

Austin, who has a severely involved disability due to a brain hemorrhage at birth that limits his motor skills and causes him to be fed through a feeding tube, attends Fairfax Villa elementary three mornings a week where he receives physical, visual and speech therapy and companionship from his school friends.  The Eric Fund is please to grant Austin and his parents, Jennifer and Keith, the funds to purchase a wheelchair ramp for their minivan and the tie downs and floor tracking to secure Austin’s wheelchair inside the vehicle. The van accommodations while vital, were impossible for the Rubys to afford on their single income while supporting a family of four. 

This assistive device will ensure that Austin can continue his journeys out into the larger world and will help him be a part of rather than apart from the community as he grows.

2003Nate Nashawardee