
Dream is a 4-year-old girl from southern Maryland with cerebral palsy, epilepsy and other developmental delays that affect speech, motor skills and cognition. Dream currently communicates mostly with an eye gaze device and receives significant early intervention including speech, vision, occupational, and physical therapy. Dream has a table mount for her device and recently received a second mount to use on her adapted stroller so that she can use it outside her home; however, this equipment only allows her to use her device while sitting at a table or in her stroller. Insurance only covers one mount and with her only means of communication being through her eye gaze device, she needed a rolling, standing mount that she can use throughout her home. Dream’s mother has not been able to return to work since COVID and has devoted full-time care to Dream which limits their family financially. The Eric Fund is happy to be able to purchase the rolling mount which now allows Dream to have access to and use her device throughout her home and in multiple positions.

2022Nate Nashawardee