
John is a 62-year-old man from Northern Virginia who is growing and further exploring his video editing skills thanks to a new computer purchased by The Eric Fund. John worked as an electrician for much of his career. But after a car accident, John suffered serious nerve damage in his leg and foot which prevented him from continuing to work as an electrician, impacting him and his family both financially and emotionally. John uses a scooter and walker for mobility assistance and continues to work with his doctors to improve his functionality. John was doing video editing work as a volunteer and realized he really enjoyed it. He is looking to continue to build his video editing skills as an additional marketable skill set for the future, but his 10-year-old computer is too outdated. The Eric Fund awarded John a new computer to continue learning how to edit videos and build his new skillset for a less physically demanding job so that he can once again enjoy work that he has always highly valued.

2023Nate Nashawardee