Jonathan is a nine-year-old boy from Woodbridge, VA who loves to be outdoors riding bicycles with his family and friends. Jonathan, who has autism, developmental delays and hypotonia, had difficulty operating a bicycle on his own and would ride along with his mother and father in a sidecar or other adaptive equipment. Since Jonathan outgrew the equipment and couldn’t ride along, his family had to face the tough choice of sometimes leaving him home or not biking as a family like they used to do. The Eric Fund purchased a special adaptive bicycle with a motor for Jonathan that will grow with him. The Eric Fund was able to purchase the Duet bicycle, which normally costs $9,000, thanks to a generous discount from the manufacturer, a division of Alber USA with whom we have worked before, and Jonathan’s extended family making up the small remainder.
This adaptive bicycle has allowed Jonathan to once again enjoy one of his favorite activities and spend quality time with his family